unsecured senior debt
Senior debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Notwithstanding the senior status of a loan or other debt instrument, .
Subordinated debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is unsecured and has lesser priority than that of an additional debt claim on the . have a lower credit rating, and therefore a higher yield, than senior debt.
Senior Unsecured Debt - Financial Glossary
Senior Unsecured Debt. Clear Results. Securities that have priority ahead of all other unsecured or subordinated debt for payment in . Se also: Mezzanine Debt .
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What Is Senior Unsecured Debt? | LIVESTRONG.COM
May 30, 2010 . What Is Senior Unsecured Debt?. During a personal bankruptcy or business liquidation, debts are ranked according to repayment priority.
What Is Senior Unsecured Debt? | eHow.com
What Is Senior Unsecured Debt?. Senior unsecured debt refers to credit obligations or bonds issued by corporations that are junior to the priority claims of other .
Senior Debt financial definition of Senior Debt. Senior Debt finance ...
Definition of Senior Debt in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English . In this case, the secured debt is senior debt with respect to the unsecured debt.
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Commercial paper is short-term unsecured senior debt issued in the open market by both financial and nonfinancial companies with strong credit ratings. It's one .
Is subordinated debt more senior than senior unsecured
While both tranches of debt are unsecured (no collateral pledged in support of the debt obligation), by definition, senior unsecured ranks higher in the capital .
Priority: Senior Debt, Subordinated Debt
Unsecured bonds are called debentures. Bank loans are generally secured or senior unsecured debt. Another name for subordinated debt is junior debt.
Senior unsecured debt
Danske Bank finances its activities partly by issuing bonds with .

StreetInsider.com - JinkoSolar (JKS) Unit to Issue RMB 300M of ...
4 days ago . JinkoSolar (JKS) Unit to Issue RMB 300M of Unsecured Senior Debt. FREE Breaking News Alerts from StreetInsider.com! E-mail Address .