unsecured mortgage definition
Unsecured Debt – Unsecured Debt Definition
Find the definition and an explanation of Unsecured Debt using . With a mortgage, home equity loan, home equity line of credit, or refinancing, the home is .
Unsecured debt: Definition from Answers.com
The concept of unsecured debt is easily understood when its opposite is considered. A good example of secured debt would be a mortgage. The bank loans out .
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Loans Definition | Small Business Encyclopedia | Entrepreneur.com
Loans definition from Entrepreneur's small business encyclopedia. . When the building is finished, a mortgage on the property will be used to pay off the interim loan. . An unsecured loan has no collateral pledged as a secondary payment .
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Unsecured Loans - Definition of Unsecured Loans
. to any collateral. This page gives a definition of unsecured loans. . after if you default. They can't sell your house like they could with a mortgage, for example.
Unsecured Second Mortgage Not Protected by Anti-modification ...
Recently the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit held that a second mortgage on a chapter 13 debtor's primary residence is not immune from .
Unsecured debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Commercial mortgage-backed security . Collateralized mortgage obligation . In finance, unsecured debt refers to any type of debt or general obligation that is .
Loan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A mortgage loan is a very common type of debt instrument, used by many individuals to . Unsecured loans are monetary loans that are not secured against the .
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What is unsecured loan? definition and meaning
Definition of unsecured loan: A loan that is not backed by collateral. also called signature loan.
unsecured loan Definition | Business Dictionaries from AllBusiness ...
Business Definition for: unsecured loan. Dictionary of Accounting Terms. unsecured loan. borrowing that is not secured by a mortgage on a specific property.
Unsecured Debt Definition | Investopedia
Unsecured Debt - Definition of Unsecured Debt on Investopedia - A loan not . Examples of secured debt include mortgages, which are secured by houses, and .

Definition of Unsecured Loans | eHow.com
Definition of an Unsecured Business Loan · What Is an Unsecured Ratio? Print this . If the mortgage is not paid, the house can be repossessed by the bank.
Consumer Debt Consolidation, Unsecured Debt, etc: Definitions ...
If you do it this way you may lower your interest rate as you are often replacing an unsecured debt (like credit card debt) with as secured debt (mortgage) and .